
Clean, safe, welcoming facilities – those are the goals of an effective Building Services team; and OSU student feedback historically suggests that Rec Sports facilities hit the mark. Surveys consistently return “exceptional” ratings in all categories.  In the realm of continuing improvement, however, this solid foundation creates opportunity for investment and enrichment.  Enter our new Building Services Supervisor, Jason Poggensee.

In the Summer of 2018, Rec Sports ended its long-held contract for custodial services in exchange for a new business model, supported by five full-time classified staff and two student staff.  Traditional expectations of these positions would be cleaning and sanitation, but Jason is putting his 25 years of retail and customer service experience to work, and nudging his team to think bigger.

“Giving voice and ownership to those who traditionally haven’t had it is amazing,” says Jason, as he shares these nuances of the evolution.  Jason immediately recognized the depth of experience and work ethic among his staff as an invitation to empower them to manage their own time, so his first work was to formalize processes in a collection of task lists.  This documented established practices for excellence, but also served to contain expectations and liberate thinking for ingenuity and relationship.  “We are growing an awareness of our potential and the courage to try something new; but it’s important to build on a firm foundation,” he explained.

Its next work was to gather insights about alternate models of operation.  Poggensee found a tour of campus recreation facilities at the University of Oregon particularly valuable to the team.  He explained that it not only inspired new practices, but also built confidence about current resources and bolstered working relationships.  “We are working on building team values, as well as incorporating organizational values,” he says.  Additional tours are planned for OSU’s own campus.

Each step of integration moves Poggensee’s team closer to his vision of full integration in the Rec Sports (and campus) environment.  In other areas, Rec Sports staff recognize their role as educators, and the Building Services team will be no exception.  Jason notes that current staff are well positioned and experienced to teach many things: finding value in the ordinary, timely professional action, and the willingness to get your hands dirty.  He also sees direct ties to desirable competencies named by National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), like working productively with others and the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image

With nearly 4,000 entries into OSU campus recreation facilities each day, staff have a great deal of exposure to students - an opportunity for role modeling and relationship.  Jason points out that institutions of higher learning are taking notice that support personnel can be an effective voice for student persistence and success; and suggests that some students feel more comfort and safety in talking with the people who service the buildings than with those who guide policy or instruction.

“I appreciate that the building services team is recognized as part of the community, and invited to invest in it,” he says.  From his perspective, clean, safe and welcoming facilities are an outcome of something bigger – the opportunity for disciplined and caring people to make a personal investment.