Recreational Sports Advisory Board

The Recreational Sports Advisory Board is a body of committed students and faculty staff from OSU that meets monthly and gives advice and recommendations to the governing board or management. These positions serve as advocates for the Department of Recreational Sports; its budget, programs and services.

Current Members

Student Members

Zachary Allen - Chair

At-large Undergraduate Representative

Mya Kuzmin - Vice Chair

Education Opportunities Program Representative

Emma Flick - SFC Representative 

Recreational Sports Representative

Holden Milliorn-Feller

Fraternity and Sorority Life Representative

Rayyan Abumarjoub

At-large Undergraduate Representative

Anis Mustaffa

International Programs Representative

Carolyn Pearce

At-large Graduate Representative

Keenyn Santiago

At-large Graduate Representative

Maya Mohan

Disability Access Services Representative

Zach Kowash

ASOSU Vice President


Grant Funded Programs Representative

Cassidy Ochoa

University Housing and Dining Representative

Faculty & Staff Members

(two-year appointment)

Dee Gillen

Public Health and Human Services Representatiive

Kurt Hill

At-large Faculty Representative

Jane Nichols

At-large Faculty Representative

Gail Sanchez

Student Affairs Representative

Non-Voting Members

Leah Hall Dorothy


Jasmine Womack



Purpose, membership, leadership, and rules of procedure for the Recreational Sports Advisory Board are defined and directed in our bylaws document, last posted May 11, 2022.

Recreational Sports Bylaws

Contact Information